Identification of Friend or Foe for Coast Guards (IFF)

Prof. Shalabh Gupta & Prof. Joseph John

The identification of friend or foe (IFF) device is deployed in each of the boats registered with Coast Guard. The Coast Guard device periodically broadcasts a query. The device on registered boats decode the query and reply accordingly. Under distress, boats can send SOS messages using the installed device. Unregistered boats, which are not be able to respond due to encryption, can be identified and penalized by the Coast Guard.

A low cost long range transceiver developed for the coast-guard for identification of boats and ships in Indian waters. The identification of friend or foe (IFF) device is deployed in each of the boats registered with Coast Guard. The Coast Guard device periodically broadcasts a query. The device on registered boats decode the query and reply accordingly. Under distress, boats can send SOS messages using the installed device. Unregistered boats, which are not be able to respond due to encryption, can be identified and penalized by the Coast Guard.

Features :

– More than 10 kms of non-line-of-sight transmission.
– Low cost compact device with solar charging capability.
– GUI to display the location of boats on offline maps for the coast-guard.
– To and fro communication possible for any warning or distress conditions.
– Alert to the boat when it accidentally crosses national marine border can be provided.​

design. enhance. deliver

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