Radio Frequency Sensors

Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for Landmine Detection

A GPR sends radio waves into the ground, and the reflected signal is analyzed to detect and characterize subsurface anomalies. The penetration depth depends on the frequency of operation and soil conditions. In ideal conditions, the GPR developed in the project can detect anomalies up.

Identification of Friend or Foe for Coast Guards (IFF)

The identification of friend or foe (IFF) device is deployed in each of the boats registered with Coast Guard. The Coast Guard device periodically broadcasts a query. The device on registered boats decodes the query and reply accordingly. Under distress, boats can send SOS messages

Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD)

An NLJD detects electronic devices irrespective of their state (switched on or off) or radiative nature. It can be used to detect hidden electronics that might be used for surveillance of secure and secret/confidential meetings and personnel. 

Canine Mounted Video Surveillance System (CMVS)

In this wireless transmission system, a video camera is mounted on the back of a dog, which can access difficult and risky spaces, such as ground tunnels and intruder occupied buildings. Live video from the camera can be accessed by the security personnel wirelessly.