Non Linear Junction Detector (NLJD)

Prof. Shalabh Gupta & Prof. Joseph John

An NLJD detects electronic devices irrespective of their state (switched on or off) or radiative nature. It can be used to detect hidden electronics that might be used for surveillance of secure and secret/confidential meetings and personnel. Underground electronic devices such as IEDs can also be detected. The target area is scanned by moving the NLJD in the region. In the presence of concealed electronics, LEDs glow up, providing visual indication.

Non-Linear Junction Detector (NLJD) is a counter surveillance system that can be used for detecting concealed electronics. An NLJD detects electronic devices irrespective of their state (switched on or off) or radiative nature. It can be used to detect hidden electronics that might be used for surveillance of secure and secret/confidential meetings and personnel. Underground electronic devices such as IEDs can also be detected. The target area is scanned by moving the NLJD in the region. In the presence of concealed electronics, LEDs glow up, providing visual indication.


– Backpack mountable system with a light antenna holder for long duration scanning.
– Continuous wave operation.
– Battery lasts for more than 2.5 hours, can be swapped to continue operation.
– On the go calibration with a single button press.
– Sensitivity: -110 dBm.
– Range: 30cm.
– Bimetallic/rusted metal junctions can also be identified distinctly.